Who we are
Central Foundation Schools of London (CFSL) is an educational charity established by Rev. William Rogers in the City of London in 1863. Today, the Foundation supports two London schools, Central Foundation Boys’ School in Islington and Central Foundation Girls’ School in Tower Hamlets.
Our schools
Both Central Foundation Boys’ School and Central Foundation Girls’ School are voluntary aided schools. This means they are state-funded and that a foundation or trust, in our case The Central Foundation makes a financial contribution to certain aspects of the school’s running (for example the building costs) and has a role in strengthening the education provision and outcomes of the schools.
Our mission
We believe that the structure of a voluntary school gives us a framework to deliver a uniquely brilliant education working in partnership with our schools’ staff and governing body, generous donors, local companies, supporters and the relevant local authorities. By leveraging our skills, funding and influence we will collaborate with our schools and partners to strengthen their education provision and outcomes, their governance, funding, and infrastructure.
How we support the schools
The Foundation works closely with both schools to help all students thrive. As the owners of the school estates the Foundation is a careful custodian of the schools’ physical spaces. We have supported major building projects on both school sites, to create sensitively designed environments, in collaboration with students and staff that encourage students’ creativity and passion for learning.
The bursaries and grants we’re able to make have a huge impact in preparing our students for future working life. Alongside initiatives like mentoring and work experience this means that students benefit from a fully rounded education that stretches far beyond the classroom.
We are equally passionate about the support we give to activities beyond the curriculum including the recently launched Central Baccalaureate at the Boys’ School, and extensive Central Plus programme for the Girls’ School. Funding through the Foundation supports a range of experiences from musical instruments, sports opportunities,, access to a wide range of visits and events, and funding to ensure all students have access to a rich creative and cultural life.
You can read more about some of the current projects we support here.
Our three year strategy
We are excited and ambitious for the Foundation’s future and that of all the students we support. Over the next three years we’ve identified five core objectives:
1. Enhancing our support to students
2. Creating long-term impact
3. Building a sustainable Foundation
4. Excellence in governance
5. Organisation efficiency
You can read more about how we’ll be delivering our strategy here.
How we are funded
Our accounts
Our governance structure

History of the Foundation and schools
Central Foundation Schools of London is an educational charity established by the Reverend William Rogers in the City of London in 1863. The two schools which the Foundation supports have a rich history which intertwines with many aspects of the wider story of London’s east end and related social history.